Community House Creates a Legacy Option for Family Businesses at a Generational Transition
Community House was formed to preserve the legacy of regional family-owned businesses that are in generational transition. The 501(c)3 Community Trust organization is designed to enhance the vitality of San Antonio businesses through its mission of preserving the legacy by retaining the company name, management team, employees, and most importantly their impact, which keeps the company in the community, benefitting the San Antonio region.
Community House acquires or has companies donated to the Community House portfolio of companies. It is a unique and innovative model that provides a comprehensive approach of ongoing support to help the companies thrive and grow. Community House is committed to the success of the companies by providing strategic planning, leadership development, investment capital, and business advisory support.
A portion of the earnings generated from the Community House portfolio of companies helps provide sustainability to VelocityTX and its mission to promote transformative redevelopment in the eastside and create inclusive economic opportunity. Future plans for Community House include the establishment of a dedicated fund to help support economic and social development efforts in the San Antonio region.